Keep Calm and Carry On

It has been a challenging few weeks. I am still searching for a new job and am questioning my career direction in general. I have started peeling away the deepest layers, analyzing myself and searching for what feelings of success and fulfillment in life are actually born from. I have spent a lot of time looking for deeper solutions to superficial problems which is turning my brain inside out. I know I must keep calm and carry on!!!

The hardest part of running sometimes can just be getting yourself out the door and this evening was one of those times. My body felt like a bag of lead when I finally shut the door behind me. Armed with 3 days of rest and just the right ratio of spite:stress it didn’t take me long to set a good strong pace. Running always unwinds the knots of thoughts that sometimes get themselves snarled around each other in my mind. Tonight I needed a really good, strong, fast run and that’s exactly what I got.

Zen Running Gods, I am sorry but tonight my ego would not let me be passed on the trails. Twice other runners came upon me and twice I did not let them pass. Of course I enjoy being the passer not the passed and I love casting out my own hook and line and reeling in other runners but I know my behavior and unwillingness to be overtaken was foolish. Next run I will remember my “yogie mindset” and respect where my body is today – then again pushing your limits is the only way to get better! As catty and bratty as the run was, I arrived home on my doorstep refueled with hope and positivity, feeling about 50lbs lighter and very excited to write about my adventures.

I am so thankful I have running as an outlet and a vehicle to melt away stress. It constantly reminds me of what my determination is capable of producing. In a good hard run lies the solutions to all of life’s biggest challenges. It’s time to think outside the box!

A great song for sprinting:

Love your comments!